Conor McGregor: "The embodiment of casuals"
UFC ring girl Brittney Palmer once felt the wrath of MMA fans when she was asked to name her top 3 fighters in the UFC.
Palmer has worked with the organization for over a decade and is one of the most recognizable faces on screen during UFC events. Her work has been honoured on multiple occasions, winning Ringcard Girl of the Year four times during her time in the MMA promotion.
Throughout her time in the UFC, Brittney Palmer has seen first hand the rise of some of the biggest stars in the sport. Last year, during an appearance on The Residency Podcast, the 36-year-old was asked the difficult question of naming her top 3 fighters of all time. Palmer said:
"Anderson Silva, Conor McGregor. There's no order either. I guess the third one, Urijah Faber."Catch Palmer's list here:
Fans were less than impressed with Brittney Palmer's list, with many hoping she would have named lesser known fighters rather than Anderson Silva and Conor McGregor. One fan even suggested the veteran ring girl's list is the sign of a "casual". They wrote:
"She's the embodiment of casuals."Another fan joked that Palmer's list consisted of the only fighters she could remember:
"Those are the only names she remembers."YouTube user @realttife8628 hilariously stated that Khabib Nurmagomedov would have been fuming at her choices:
"Khabib left the chat because literally she is adding McGregor even after the fight."Check out more reactions here:
Brittney Palmer reveals the secret behind her success on social media
Brittney Palmer is one of the most popular figures working in the UFC. Since making her debut for the organization in 2011, Palmer quickly became a fan favorite and turned her new found fame into a major success.
Palmer has explored ventures outside of the octagon, successfully taking the modeling world by storm by featuring on the cover of Playboy magazine back in 2012. She is also an accomplished artist, organizing a gallery to showcase her artwork earlier this year.
Recently, the 36-year-old opened up about her success on the Neon Confidential podcast. She explained that she quickly learned what her fans liked on social media, which has seen her Instagram account garner over 1 million followers. Palmer stated:
"I have over 1.1 million followers on Instagram... I try to do a rhythm... They love the hot modeling thing. I try not to do too much of the same thing, I really created such an authenticity to it where it's like, I really don't care if I get likes or not. We have content we gotta push it out."Catch Palmer's comments here:
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